Short: EaglePlayer "Wally Beben" external replayer Author: Wanted Team Uploader: (Don Adan/Wanted Team) Version: 1 Type: mus/play This is a new external "Wally Beben" module replay for EaglePlayer 1.54/2.00+. It's a replayer for modules written by Wally Beben using the Ariston (Amiga) replay routine. Version 1 Features: - Analyzer - Voices - SampleInfo with SampleSaver (EP 2.00+ only) - SubSong - Balance - ModuleInfo with Position Counter - Volume - SongEnd Notes: 1. This player plays all Wally Beben mods created with Ariston (versions higher than v4.1). Modules created in the Ariston v4.1 format can be played using the "Steve Barrett" player. 2. This player plays/recognises only the original versions of "Wally Beben" mods. All non-standard mods, for instance, modified by game authors (e.g. PC relative or too much optimised), must be reconverted to the standard one-file format. Similar mods with separate sample data must also be converted to the one-file format. 3. ModuleInfo works/looks better for EaglePlayer 1.54 because EaglePlayer 2.00+ doesn't refresh the ModuleInfo screen. 4. If you have, or know of, unsupported Wally Beben modules please contact the Wanted Team. 5. A full list of all the Wally Beben mods that are known to me is attached (WallyBeben.txt). 6. You can get the latest versions of Wanted Team products from: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2003 for all Amiga users!!!